Check out our NEW Enhanced Benefit Portal! Click "User Login" above to get started.
In order for us to be able lower the cost curve of health care, we all need to shift our focus to wellness initiatives, preventive care, and utilization of the most efficient, cost effective, and innovative providers.
The Trust has contracted with a select group of providers to provide services to our participants at greatly reduced rates! These rates are so much lower, in fact, that your Trustees voted to make this an enhanced benefit in order to save your Plan money. When you use an KPPFree provider for a covered surgery or medical service the Plan will pay the Covered Charges at 100%. And you will save your Plan up to 70%!
As you know, Healthcare Bluebook is your consumer guide to making informed decisions based on fair, up-front healthcare pricing. GreenPlus Rewards™ is a new tool from Healthcare Bluebook. With GreenPlus Rewards™, selecting a “green” or fair priced provider for select procedures qualifies you for a quarterly cash reward. Procedures that have the highest cost variability between providers have been chosen to earn incentives. Healthcare Bluebook identifies reward eligibility and sends the reward directly to your home. There are no forms for you to submit or any additional work you need to do to receive your incentive. Don’t have any green providers listed for your area? Just give us a call and we will help you!
The best way to impact medical costs is to lower your own medical costs! Focusing on personal health and wellness can make a big impact! Exercise, eating right, and getting chronic conditions under control is the best thing we all can do to Go for Green!
Remember we are all owners of OUR Plan. Advantage Health Plans is self-funded and belongs to the membership, which is YOU. When you save money for the Plan, you save yourself money too, in the form of contributions in the future. Remember to use Premier Providers™, GREEN doctors on Healthcare Bluebook, and the 100% benefits available to you.
Our goal is to work with you to create a solution, not a band-aid, for the merry-go-round of volatile health care costs. You CAN lower your bucket and rates by aiming to Go for Green!
This is not a guarantee of benefits. Please see your Summary Plan Description for all Plan Limitations and Exclusions.