Providers & Coverage Hub
Find Network, Pharmacy and Coverage Information

Understanding Your Health Plan
This is where you can locate information about your plan, coverage and networks. Advantage Health Plans Trust administers different plans for each of our clients, so check your ID card and plan documents to ensure you’re searching within the appropriate network.
Identify your provider network and search for covered doctors, specialists and more.
Keep your costs low and save money for your plan, coworkers and their families by finding top-rate providers at honest, transparent, all-inclusive prices.
Kempton Direct Access Providers
Concierge healthcare isn’t just for the rich and famous anymore. It may be available to you as part of your healthcare plan.
CompassConnect Pricing Tool
Check pricing at a variety of providers to compare value, costs and performance.
Prescription Drug Benefits
Find prescription benefit information and in-network pharmacies near you.
Plan Documents
Need details on your plan or just a summary of benefits? You can find them here.

Contact Us
The Kempton Company is here to help with all of your Advantage Health Plans Trust needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out!