About Advantage Health Plans Trust
Owned by You. Administered by The Kempton Company.
For nearly fifty years, Advantage Health Plans Trust (AHPT) has been providing health programs for Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico community banks. But we’re not your typical insurance provider.
Instead of plans backed by a large, out-of-state health conglomerate with shareholders to please and profits to chase, AHPT was created by community banks for community banks. It is a self-funded, not-for-profit health benefit plan tailored to your needs – not what makes big returns. In fact, all the money saved by the plan and your participants’ wise healthcare choices stays within the plan.

Advantage Health Plans Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees from our constituent banks, and elected by the participants of the program. This has been an incredibly successful method of creating healthcare value for our clients, because the plan is designed, owned and run by the same people who benefit from it. Since there is no way to profit from the plan, there can be no conflicts of interest. In fact, our single interest is providing the plan that works best for you.
Endorsed By

Community Banker's Association of Oklahoma

Independent Bankers Association of Texas
Advantage Health Plans Trust
- Not-For-Profit
- Governed by Your Elected Trustees
- Owned by You
- Plans Designed for Your Needs
- You Impact Plan Designs
- Focused on Reducing Costs
- Savings Stay in Trust Pool
- Customer Satisfaction is Crucial
- Guards Against Healthcare Market Volatility
- Exclusively For Banks & Financial Institutions
Large Carrier Plans
(United, Aetna, Blue Cross, Etc.)
- For-Profit
- Run According to Company’s Interests
- Owned by Shareholders
- Plans Designed to Maximize Profits
- No Say in Plan Changes
- Benefits from Ever-Increasing Costs
- Savings Become Profits
- Customer Satisfaction Doesn’t Matter
- Benefits From Healthcare Market Volatility
AHPT’s Mission
Our mission is to provide superior quality services and benefits to all our clients, as a reliable partner in their quest to take care of their best assets – their employees. We require professionalism, integrity, trustworthiness and diligence in ourselves and our work, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of those traits. We have built our reputation on these values, and remain constantly committed to what is most important to us: Our bankers.
Leadership / Board
Advantage Health Plans Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by participating employers to represent them, manage their interests and be fiscally responsible for rates and benefit design. Since 1976, the Trustees have been guiding AHPT, and without them we would not be where we are today.

Scot Long
Board of Trustees - Chairperson
The First National Bank Sterling City
Sterling City, TX

Joey Root
Board of Trustees - Vice Chairperson
First Liberty Bank
Oklahoma City, OK
Board of Trustees – Current Members

Priscilla Cude
First Bethany Bank & Trust
Bethany, OK

Casey Barrett
Texas State Bank
San Angelo, TX

Evans McBride
First National Bank & Trust of McAlester
McAlester, OK

John Gorton
First National Bank & Trust of Chickasha
Chickasha, OK

Layne Brandt
Crossroads Bank
Yoakum, TX
Advisory Trustees

Carol Fehrle
Quail Creek Bank
Oklahoma City, OK

Frank Leone
Stockmens National Bank
Cotulla, TX

Barry Anderson
F&M Bank
Guthrie, OK
Who is The Kempton Company? How does it relate to AHPT?
Advantage Health Plans Trust (AHPT) is a coalition of community banks who work together to maintain a pool of funds backing all of the health plans offered to their employees and the families of those employees. The plan is collectively owned by the constituent members, and decisions affecting the plan are made by the participant-elected Board of Trustees.
The Kempton Company is a family-owned and family-operated third-party administrator (TPA), based in Oklahoma City, who brings their insurance and healthcare expertise to bear on AHPT’s benefit programs. They have done this for AHPT for more than 40 years, evolving their services and expertise as the healthcare landscape drastically changed. Working diligently to keep costs down, locate the best possible care and hold providers accountable, The Kempton Company also provides assistance and customer service for everyone covered by AHPT plans. However, they only administrate the program. They’re entrusted to impartially carry out the will of the trustees, who in turn represent the AHPT’s member banks.
You can learn more about The Kempton Company here.
Advantage Health Plans Trust
Owns & Operates Plans
Comprises Community Banks
Makes Decisions About Plan Designs & Contribution Levels
Governed by Board of Trustees
The Kempton Company
Manages & Administers Plans
Provides Customer Service
Offers Plan Guidance
Manages Networks